I am a founding member of CANI-net.com, a loose grouping of scholars: academics; artists; writers and others interested in the relationships between creative activity; scholarship and narrative inquiry. We meet monthly for an ‘open narrative inquiry space’. We also gather elsewhere for collaborative art-making/ writing and other activities. CANI-net has produced an ongoing series of collaborative writing books, the latest of which ‘. ‘Artful collaborative inquiry’, (ed. Kirkpatrick; Porter; Speedy and Wyatt) was published by Routledge in 2021.( the others being, Creative Practitioner inquiry, Brill, 2012 and Collaborative writing as inquiry, 2014, Cambridge Scholars, both edited by Speedy & Wyatt)
I am also a member of C-CRI ( the centre for creative relational inquiry) at the University of Edinburgh and IIQI (the international institute of qualitative inquiry) at the University of Urbana- Champaign, Illinois.
I am an associate of:
Spike Island Associates, Spike Island, Bristol and: South-West Painters Network : a network of painters in the south west of England. I have joined the turps banana painters course community,(2021-23) in order to get more specific feedback/development on/of my work as a painter. I am also a member of North Bristol artists, and a member of the North bristol artists network.
I am a member of North bristol artists, organisers of an annual art trail taking place in Bristol: a city of many artists.
Useful links for/about contemporary painters:
contemporary British painting An artist-led , painter’s organisation.
Turps banana painting magazine A journal for, by and about contemporary painting and painters.
North Bristol artists. A network of artists in North Bristol who organise an annual arts trail.